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Improve your Google Plus marketing!

    Google+ is a social networking and identity service that is owned and operated by Google Inc. Google has described Google+ as a "social layer" that enhances many of its online properties, and that it is not simply a social networking website, but also an authorship tool that associates web-content directly with its owner/author. It is the second-largest social networking site in the world after Facebook. 540 million monthly active users are part of the Identity service site, by interacting socially with Google+'s enhanced properties, like Gmail, +1 button, and YouTube comments.

    Has your business set up a Google+ page?

      These few tips will help you to increase your chances of getting seen on Google+, and more importantly, help Google drive traffic to your page.

      Fill Out Your Page

        The first thing you need to do is create a page for your business.

        Google Plus You

        As you're setting up your business page, focus on using keywords as you fill out the Introduction in your Google+ page's About section. Use both the keywords you want to rank high on and the keywords your customers are using. And as you fill out this section, be sure to think about what would be attractive to your customers.

        Add Links Throughout Your Page

          Google+ business pages allow you to add links in lots of different places. Take advantage of it! You are able to create links in the Introduction section.

          Make Use of the Hover Text

            As with setting up personal Google+ profiles, you can influence what people see when they mouse over your business name in Google+. They might do this when searching on a topic or simply responding to a post..

            Promote Your Business Page Everywhere using!!!

              One of the best ways to get people to follow your Google+ business page is to let them know you have one! In addition to putting the link in your email footer and on all of your other social media pages, you can add a badge to your site.

              Google+ offers a way to make a badge. But a prettier way to make a badge is to use a site like Widgets Plus. This option allows for an impressive amount of customization.

              Including an interactive badge helps people circle you while on your site. They do not have to go to Google+ to do it. As soon as they circle you, they will be able to see your updates in their news feed.

              Getting people to circle you is crucial. Being in more people's circles, or having more Google+ followers, improves your position on regular Google searches. Exchange is free, fast and easy with our "Google Plus On The Page" system.

              And at this point, businesses can not circle people until people have circled them first! You will want to be aggressive in telling people about your Google+ page so you will be able to share with them too.

              Get Your Employees on Google+

                Encourage your employees to set up personal Google+ profiles. You can not tell them how to use those profiles. But you can ask that they add your website as a link in their Links section. You should also ask them to share your business page and its posts with their friends.

                Be Interesting

                  Steps 1-5 set the foundation for Google+ dominance. But only interesting posts will keep you there. Unfortunately, interesting is defined by your customers. Here are some tips to make your posts interesting:
                  • Experiment across platforms. Try posting the same updates on Facebook and Google+ and see where you get the better response. You will be surprised at how the followers interact differently.
                  • Try posting your blog in Google+.If you already have a blog, rather than simply posting a link to it in Google+, try posting the text and the link in an update. Posts that take up more of someone's news feed seem to gain more traction than the Twitter-like 140-character updates.
                  • Use pictures and video. Pictures and video work incredibly well on Google+. People are far more interested in sharing images then straight text posts.
                  • Be quirky. Google+ users are very interested in sharing and commenting on quirky posts. So if there is any way for your business to do something quirky, it will help people become interested in you.
                  It doesn't matter whether you are a beer and wine blogger, a global business, a consultant or a hobbyist collector you cannot ignore 'Google Search'. Since the launch of Google, our lives have been transformed with increasingly relevant information available at our fingertips.

                  Make sure you investigate what Google SEO Tools are available to help with your SEO. So here are a range of things you can do using Google's tools that will help with SEO.

                  The ways that Google Plus will improve your SEO:

                  Google Products

                    1. Google Plus content is treated by Google just like any other page on the web. Google Plus content will be efficiently indexed by Google, it will gain page rank and appear in Google's search results. With two thirds of searches in the US taking place on Google you want your content indexed and searchable in this way.
                    2. Google Plus posts allow you to capture SERP real estate as they appear on Google search page results, thus your audience may find your Google Plus content through a standard Google search.
                    3. Google Plus content stays around, gains page rank, gives page rank and appears in search results over a long time period. It appears Google Plus posts can retain ranking indefinitely with some posts over a year old still top of search result pages. Compare this to the 14 minutes of life a standard tweet is estimated to have.
                    4. Google Plus authorship provides you with a higher visual profile in search results. By validating your Google Plus profile with sites where you publish, you will enable your image to appear next to the search results and attract greater visual attention on search pages.
                    5. The use of Google authorship is closely tied to content authority. Google is keen to give a higher profile to authoritative content in search results. If an author posts interesting content which is shared and receives plus ones, this will potentially lead to higher authority. There is growing evidence that Google+ authorship improves your authority and search performance.
                    6. Google Plus authorship and the Google Plus social layer provides a wide range of social signals that may improve the Social Media Optimization (SMO) of your content and SEO. This is not as simple as the number of followers, people in your circles or number of Plus Ones. What appears to be far more important is the interaction between you and your content and others of a high authority. Thus if a high authority person shares your content this will improve your own authority.
                    7. Social signals from platforms such as Google Plus will become more important in determining search results.
                    8. The featured link in a Google Plus post will pass page rank to the page to which it links. Note there is a no follow for links included in the body of a Google Plus post, you must use the featured link. If you connect a Google Plus page to your website this will increase the relevancy of your website content and support your search ranking
                    9. Links from regular websites to Google Plus content can also pass page rank authority in the other direction back to your Google Plus posts and pages.
                    10. The use of hashtags in Google Plus connects every post to a search on the platform.

                  You are simply losing out in terms of SEO if you are not using Google Plus effectively. Hopefully, the ten reasons outlined above will make you look again at Google Plus and reconsider your social media optimization strategies for SEO.

         Google Exchange Features

                  • Google Shares Exchange
                  • Google Circles Exchange

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